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Afresh Evening Services
“Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths” –
Psalm 25:4
This is a low threshold and short informal service, ideal for all who want to have a moment of reflection in a busy life. We will contemplate God’s word for today’s world, share our experiences and pray and learn together.
All are welcome!

How to Reach Us?
Our address is Groenburgwal 42, 1011 HW Amsterdam
Street parking is free in Amsterdam Centre on Sundays until noon. The Stopera parking (Stadhuis Muziektheater) is the closest paid parking garage.
Closest metro stops: Rokin, Nieuwmarkt (exit Snoekjessteeg), Waterlooplein

City Centre Congregation Statement:
Christ Church Amsterdam follows the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England, including the policies of the Diocese in Europe to which this Chaplaincy belongs. Our congregational Safeguarding Coordinator for the City Centre Congregation is Sophia Wilson-Sey.
Please contact Sophia at sophia@christchurch.nl with any concerns.

Resources for Adults, Youth & Kids
and for those that want to know more about the Anglican Episcopal Church
IT CAN BE A LITTLE INTIMIDATING walking into a church for the first time. Or maybe it’s just been a long time (like 30 years ago when your mom dragged you to Sunday School). A lot has changed since then. The songs are singable, the sermon understandable, and you don’t need to come in a suit. (By the way, we’d love to see you this Sunday.)
This page and its links may help shed some light on aspects of the 80-million member worldwide Anglican (Episcopal) Communion. We hope you’ll find the material here interesting, entertaining — even challenging. After all, we hold that Jesus Christ came to take away your sins, not your mind.